1. Cybertron city

2. Energon stars

3. Scorponok

4. Megatron's sword

5. The new Cybertron city

6. Megatron resurrected

7. Megatron raid

8. Starscream, the mysterious mercenary

9. Battle of the asteroid belt

10. Energon tower

11. The legend of Rodimus

12. Crisis in Jungle city

13. Kicker, beware!

14. Energon grid

15. Rodimus: friend or foe?

16. Go for Unicron!

17. The return of Demolishor

18. A tale of two heroes

19. Battle stations

20. Alpha Q: identity

21. Shockblast: rampage

22. Survival instincts

23. Each one fights...

24. Unicron unleashed

25. Open fire!

26. Ripped up space

27. Team Optimus Prime

28. Protection

29. Imprisoned Inferno

30. Jungle planet

31. Bulkhead

32. Farewell, Inferno

- Scorponok's scars

33. Crash course

34. Omega Supreme

35. A heroic battle

36. The power

37. Optimus Supreme

38. Unicron perishes

39. Ambition

40. Wishes

41. Galvatron!

42. Break through

43. Distribution

44. The Omega train

45. Decepticon army

46. Ironhide team

47. Formidable

48. Galvatron terror

49. Destructive power

50. Spark

51. The sun